3lncjhl Swtclit/ you're gowcj to $tt lint whole plate oo iire with that Jvrt hazard on your head / Dipper Pines :: Mabel Pines :: Bill Cipher :: Mabel Pines :: Dipper Pines :: Stan Pines :: Stanford Pines :: Bill Cipher :: GF characters :: GF Персонажи :: Gravity Falls :: MrFishcorpse :: MrFishcorpse :: Gravity Falls :: artist :: artist :: фэндомы :: fandoms

MrFishcorpse artist Stan Pines GF Персонажи Dipper Pines Mabel Pines Bill Cipher ...Gravity Falls фэндомы 
3lncjhl Swtclit/
you're gowcj to $tt lint whole plate oo iire with that Jvrt hazard on your head
It ain't that bad/ look, she even added Some vegetables in t\
Grunhle Stan, that doesn't look safe to consume especially m your age,MrFishcorpse,artist,Stan Pines,GF Персонажи,Gravity

3lncjhl Swtclit/ you're gowcj to $tt lint whole plate oo iire with that Jvrt hazard on your head It ain't that bad/ look, she even added Some vegetables in t\ Grunhle Stan, that doesn't look safe to consume especially m your age
MrFishcorpse,artist,Stan Pines,GF Персонажи,Gravity Falls,фэндомы,Dipper Pines,Mabel Pines,Bill Cipher,MrFishcorpse,artist,Stanford Pines,GF characters,Gravity Falls,fandoms,Dipper Pines,Mabel Pines,Bill Cipher
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НЕУ BROTHER, •VWere's очг\ <ггД\е55 HEYSlSTER, kix>w Ebft iWw s s««4 buk blood is -thicker OH. ANP ЫН^МТНЕ £KY (2)MES FALUN6 DOWN

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НЕУ BROTHER, •VWere's очг\ <ггД\е55 HEYSlSTER, kix>w Ebft iWw s s««4 buk blood is -thicker OH. ANP ЫН^МТНЕ £KY (2)MES FALUN6 DOWN