^оауплЛ Ц ^ TuAÁ./9-П »/ Xjuk# ctnd J’ccpphÁ.sbe JLeccdeA ccnd /»undea Ü <finoe gravity Ta.llA ÍA hone to na.ny potentia.lly patentice//у docnyeAOUA a.nona.lieA, it'A fOAtuncrte tha.t the ^AyAta.1 gen, А лле Нем to- pAOteot it A OActina.Ay axAidentA f/ьоп then- T he f¿enA ho.il f aon the fa.a MCLoheA of Apa.ce, a. pla.net they AefeA to only a.a .pionewOAsldS. 'They лле, in la.yna.n,A teAnA, а. Aouoe of polynOAsphio Aentient aoo4.a, na.JLinf then ?^епАы both /oi,eA~) liteAO.lly a.ncL by na.ne. The $a.neA poAAeAA a. wide |-; hoAt of na.yioa.1 a.bilitieA a.nd poweAA, inoludiny Aha.peAhiif tiny, -AeyeneAa.tion, a.nd the union of theiA /' phyAiOa.1 f о ап Aireen ocbiliy AefeAAed to a. A ,/uAion". ' ;jgb* >rj¿ - . t DeApite the faot\tha.t the CLAe not of thiA ea.Ath, they At ill ;fLeditoa,ted to it A pAOteot ion, a.nd hoeve been foA_____ ‘ ' ' о/ у^АЛ. 1 y*un?eAt Лепке;t Xolo -fAGbphiG Aeni-phyAioa.1 fOAnA? r.'tkl шт StAGctef-iM
Steven Universe,фэндомы,Gravity Falls,Garnet (SU),SU Персонажи,Rose Quartz,Pearl (SU),Amethyst (SU),crossover,SU art,minijenn
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