Пилотный выпуск Gravity Falls.
Ссылка на страницу: http://themysteryofgravityfalls.com/pilot/
in 2070 recent Caifirts grad fl/ел hiirsch pitched "Gravity faiis" to the Disney Channei hie wrote and drew the storyboard entireiy on post-it notes and a rushed piiot was commissioned by Disney to a sma/i iow budget f/ash animation studio in Canada This rough in-house "piiot" Disney produced, though uitimateiy in a very different sty/e and never fuiiy "finished", shows us the very first ever giimpse of Dipper & /Habei Unsatisfied with the iooh and styie of this piiot, fife* hfirsch personaiiy hired his own team when the show was greeniit to series Ciich here to watch that piiot —— — - i THE HIDDEN MESSAGE BELOW WILL REVEAL THE SECRETS OF BILL CIPHER MXVW NLGGLQJ! BRXYH EORFNHG WKH DG WKDW ZDV KHUH
Gravity Falls,фэндомы,GF Видео
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